
Today I've been working with the logotype, but just some proposal. We haven't even decided yet what our game should be called. But we have some alternatives..
This have been taking alot of my time and I'm not even finished, so that's what I have been working with today.

Busy day.

As usual I've forgot about writing for a couple of days, well well, I've been fixing with the soundlist a little bit.
There haven't been so much for me to do the last week, but today I started helping a little bit with the 3D. I did a lion cage in Maya, I'm really happy with it. It turned out better then I thought! But we don't know if we can export it to Unity yet but I hope so!

Here we go again.

I've forgot about writing for a couple of days, but I've been writing in our designdocument. I wrote about the cliffhangers we have between our levels.
I have also been doing a soundlist for our soundguy, it contained what kind of sounds we want in the game. I did some moodboards too, so he should know what kind of feeling I want to convey in the levels.

First day of the blog.

Today I've been working with the stall we're going to have to GGC, I've been sketching and my colleague have continue to draw it. So it will look better from the one I did.
I have also been doing my own and the groups blog, so we can start bloging, but some of the layout is just temporary. I'm going to fix a better layout when we have more pictures to use!
I've been starting a list of all the sound we need to our game, i'ts quite difficult to know wich sounds we're going to use when we don't have a demo yet.. but I'm on my way..

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